Monday, September 29, 2008

American Thinker- wrong on Kristol

Mr. Moran,

There is simply no other way to put this. What you are proffering here is nothing more than a fine example of the excretion of egregious partisanship.

Cripes, I'm not sure who is more misguided, you, Kristol or Chuck Krautcrazy over at the Washington Post. Either way, one thing's for sure - a mind taxed by desperation is a terrible thing to lose; and it is clear that Mr. Kristol's is irrevocably lost.

Regarding Kritsol's trite offering today, nary a finer textual example of psycho-social disconnect and denial has ever been penned. To be blunt sir, I believe he no longer possess of the skill set required to grasp reality - let alone its truths.

Instead of blaming McCain's advisers for counseling "ideological timidity", Kristol should have said what he really meant: he wants John McCain to re-ignite the culture wars. He wants the election to devolve into a divisive battle rife with false moral assumptions about the 'other'. In his world, this 'other' is 'liberalism' and by raising Rev. Wright again, he is seeking to reanimate a 'bogeyman', a distraction, that will provide people of your ilk with an opportunity to twist the legitimate foundations of liberalism into a empty vessel. A vessel into which you will pour all the evils of the world. What you are really counseling by backing Kristol is that McCain/Palin to do is follow Hitler's advice "To make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they [the voters] will believe it.” My God, what price free speech.

As for Kristol's assertion that Gov. Palin is "a talented politician and communicator" - there is no evidence yet that the woman can think on her feet. While it's clear she can read a teleprompter, this is hardly a substitute for the cogent critical thought necessary to run a country. Let alone a great country. The fact she has yet to demonstrate any ability to handle unscripted complex questions seems not to influence his assessment. Moreover, his ridiculous contention that she must be 'liberated' demeans both her and the voter. This is not a 'Free Willy' movie. Had either she (or GOP strategists) really believed she was an asset to the message she would have been unleashed upon the medium long ago. That has not is telling. Ironically, Mr. Moran, you and I see eye to eye on the fallacy Kristol tries to advance on this point- except, of course, that you see this as an opportunity for Gov. Palin to capitalize on her simple-minded brashness, whereas I will be looking for substance.

In conclusion, what Mr. Kristol offered today was a form of pundit-dung indicative of the worst kind of partisanship that is blinded by a reactionary ideology intent on fostering nothing less than the telling of lies. Yet, perhaps, here again Kristol is channeling Hitler, and unfortunately you also seem to concur with the observation: “The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.” The endorsement of an 'ends justifying the means' mantra is a sad reflection of the accepted values in a civil society. But again, such is the price of free speech.

Both you and Kristol need to look in the mirror and realize your true enemy is not liberalism - it is your fear and hate of the 'other'. Ask yourself, honestly, are you a truth teller? Beware the answer sir, for as Kristol may already know, as may you - the rationalization and answers of one who has lost one's mind cannot be trusted.

p.s. fully aware there is every likelihood you will refrain from posting this. I nevertheless respect your right to free speech.

Posted by: BeerBellyBuddah | September 29, 2008 12:14 PM

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