Sunday, September 28, 2008

Income Gap and the Bailout


Mr. Johnston,

Sorry to bother you.

Quick question re: your article "Income Gap Is Widening, Data Shows" (Mar. 29, 2007).

The facts presented in the article on the 'gap' were very revealing. I know the original data was based on 2005 figures - any chance you could revisit the issue now by updating the 'gap' as it applies to the wealthiest stockholders (as a percentage of total population)?

I guess my question is, based on 2006-2007 date would it be possible to ascertain if the new bailout (as presently configured) will preserve the existing income gap? Or, will it see a narrowing in income disparity?

As one who views the 'income gap' as a fundamental threat to overall economic stability of the continent, I would be interested on your interpretation as to whether the bailout will have any effect on the perpetuation of the status-quo.

Understand fully if you consider this an absurd request, but I do think it would be a useful and enlightening exercise for the average reader.

Thank-you for your patience,


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