Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Total Depression Mr. Cohen? maybe, but let us hope it comes with lessons.

fr: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/29/AR2008092902660_Comments.html

Mr. Cohen,

If "[a]n economic crisis is like war. It's impossible to contain. It affects everything it touches." So sir, does greed.

While indeed it may be true that the 1930s gave rise to Hitler, it should be noted that Italy's Mussolini had been in power for years. Fascism and communism may have been 'emboldened' by the crisis - but so were trade unionists, desegregation's, and a whole host of social movements intent improving equality within the polity.

Here in Canada, as well as the UK, it gave rise to the eventual introduction of our Medicare systems, unemployment insurance, family allowances, etc.,

Point is, if the current crisis precipitates a fundamental restructuring of US society that sees a more equitable deal for the American worker - it may indeed have an upside.

Nobody wants a return to the 1930s, nobody wants to see a rise in right-wing ideology and divisive fascism, nobody wants uncontrolled crisis. But rampant capitalist speculation got us here. They ran amok for too long - time for them to have a reality check and oversight.

Let the bailout pass Thursday - but let the privileged Wall St. crowd remember that their compact with the 'vox populi' has forever been altered, that their vaunted place in American culture is no longer guaranteed ... lest, next time, they will be overthrown... for good.
9/30/2008 12:50:48 AM

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