Sunday, October 5, 2008

Kristol's "The Wright Stuff" - I pity the petty.


Mr. Kristol,

Orchestration of orchestration! Wow, Ayers, Wright, and an unspecified open ended allegations that Obama is not being "wholly truthful" - all in one column! Sir, like your twisted-twin amigos, Krautcrazy and Gerson over at the WaPo, you are nothing more than a discourse distortionist.

With this column your standing as a shameless 'agent provacateur' for the McCain/Palin ticket is confirmed. Obviously they needed a messenger to formally announce the launch of their renewed "culture war" strategy. Well at least they didn't have to look too hard to find you under that rock of hyper-partisanship and divisiveness you call an ideology. The perfect lapdog, one can well imagine your delight at being picked as the messenger in this sad attempt by McCain/Palin to buttress their sagging electoral fortunes.

As to the relighting the Wright issue, nary a finer passage of a disingenuous 'interview' has ever been written. First you bring the issue up. Then she expounds. But then, she invokes a perverse form of reverse logic by saying, wholly unconvincingly, that it will really be up to McCain if it is to become an official part of the GOP strategy (or is that tactic?). Of course, by having expounded on it - she has, knowingly, just made the "appalling things that that pastor had said about our great country" again a focal point of their strategy!

As to your offer to 'volunteer' to 'moderate' a second Biden-Palin, the premise is unsound (and laughable) you wouldn't know how to "moderate" if the terms denotative definition slapped you upside your toxic cranium. You are about as equipped to serve as a debate moderator as Palin is to serve as the Vice-President.

By the way, of course, Gov, Palin seemed "confident and upbeat" despite the "strain and stress" a normal person would be feeling under the circumstances. Easy explanation there: People without a clue are often are completely ignorant of their lived context prior to their downfall. "Let them eat cake" anyone?

Mr. Kristol, I trust you are delighted by the new dark turn the McCain campaign is taking - and this fact, rather than making me angry, simply makes me pity the petty even more.

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