Sunday, October 5, 2008

TNR's "Historical Manglings" - a clear choice nevertheless.


Mr. Chafetz,

While it may be true that neither candidate demonstrated an absolute and firm grasp of the inherent powers associated with the role of a Vice-President. One has to ask themselves, would they rather have Palin who seemingly believes the Cheney template is desirable, or, would they prefer to have Biden who recognizes that the said template is fraught with unconstitutional danger? Admittedly, the mangling of an answer is one thing, however, the abuse power is an entirely different beast.

It goes without saying (yet I say it anyway), that no elected official in a democracy, especially no official who straddles both the executive and legislative branches should be allowed to operate outside the constitutional parameters of the law of the land. In Cheney's case, the evidence since 2001 indicates that the absolute lack of Vice-Presidential accountability in both the Executive and Legislative spheres has irreparably damaged American interests, both domestic and foreign. So really the question should be, is a continuation of this pathology in the interests of the American people? If the answer is no - then the choice could not be clearer.

Ideology and partisanship aside, no sane individual can believe Palin's tacit acceptance of the Cheney example as being worthy of replication could possibly see this as being in America's best interests? I mean, there must be a limit to the allowances of the absurdities that will be countered this silly season - doesn't there?

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