Friday, October 3, 2008

Winking Palin does Trick For Brooks


re; "The Palin Rebound"

October 3rd, 2008 4:10 am

Nice try, but your take is little more than vexatious pandering obviously aided by a dose of ideological Viagara.

Last night, my twelve year daughter, Quinn, sat with me throughout the last 45 minutes of the debate. Below is the transcript of our discussion. It speaks for itself:

Quinn: Dad, whatchwatching?

Me: American debate.

Quinn: Why, isn't the Canadian one on?

Me: Yeah, I'm taping it - I'll watch after you guys are in bed.

Quinn: But, Dad why do you watch the American one.

Me: Because it matters what they decide.

Quinn: Hey, is that lady ... Is that that Palin lady?

Me: Yes.

[Minutes pass, Ifill asks Palin another direct question.]

Quinn: Dad, is she s'pposed to answer the question asked?

Me: Well, in a debate, sometimes people try to avoid questions.

Quinn: Oh, ... but the other guy, the old one, he's answering the questions.

Me: Yeah, he's trying to show he's up to the job.

Quinn: But, her, Palin she just keeps talking about herself ... she's not answering the questions.

Me: No, she's not - that's their strategy.

Quinn: Yeah, but she keeps saying the same thing, 'Me and McCain' - she just keeps saying the same thing.

Me: Yeah, sometimes politics is like that.

Quinn: That's silly... hey, did you see that. She just winked at us? She just winked?

Me: [sigh] Yes, I'm trying to hear what she's saying...

Quinn: But dad she just WINKED at us!

Me: shhh...

Quinn: I don't know why your listening... she's just saying the same thing over and over... I can't believe she winked at us! Weird! I'm going to bed.

Me: G'night... [Quick hug and kiss]

And as Buddha is my witness, when I turn back to the screen Palin is winking at me again... "Weird" indeed?

— BeerBellyBuddah, Wpg., Canada

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