I have an abiding hatred for the annual public school charade known as the 'Christmas' Concert'. An anachronistic holdover from a less secular era; school organized Xmas concerts should be abolished!
I come by this epiphany naturally, but it was reinforced a week ago as I tried to rationalize to my eldest daughter why she was now subject to the ritual as an attendee (rather than participant) and was to sit with the rest of us in the crammed hot sweaty local school gym.
"But, Dad I don't go this school anymore - why do I have to be here?"
"Look, I sat through seven of your concerts in this school and you're damn well gonna sit through this one to watch your younger siblings!"
"But, Dad that's not fair!"
"No, it never is! Now sit, watch and suffer!"
Aside from the fact the school was breaking every fire code regulation imaginable to fit everybody in - it was really the activity on the stage populated by our sweet young darlings that got my goat. So mind-numbingly bad as to defy description, the charade was not only painful to watch, it was impossible to hear amid the coughs, sneezes, and the cries of innocents dragged by doting parents to watch their elementary kin don absurd winter themed costumes and sing really bad songs.
When it was over my eldest turned to me and said (incredulously): "My God Dad that was horrible! Were mine always that bad?"
"Yup," I said, "And next year will be no different."
To which she said: "Dad, they should abolish the Christmas Concert now!"
Hear, hear!
I couldn't agree more. I watched my daughter for the 10 minutes she had to be on stage last week , and then we booked it out of there. Took about 2 hours of my time with all the driving and such, and I don't think she learned a damn thing from it, except that Christmas has to do something with Santa ( which is doesn't.)
Schools should not be envolved with any Christmas stuff at all.
Amen, Dailyrants, Amen!
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