Monday, November 10, 2008

Kristol & the GOP: Barking up the wrong tree... again


Your column is going to the dogs.

With nary a mention of the real issues facing the GOP, you again cling to the spurious notion that the US is "still a center right country" by saying the election results weren't really as bad as they could have been? Your tea-leaf reading of the voters reported ideological self-identification is not just weak - its absurd. A loss is a loss, and the GOP's demonstrable failure to broaden its base beyond its mostly white, mostly reactionary, old style republicanism is the real issue. Too bad the best advice you could offer your like-minded brethren was that "it wouldn’t hurt" for the "possible 2012 G.O.P. nominees to begin bringing some puppies home for their kids" to broaden their electoral popular appeal? Absurd.

There is only one thing left to say re: your banal analysis.


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